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Improv@Work™ Programs


Built to help people get on better with each other at work, rebootr’s Improv@Work™ programs cover all major areas of people management issues and challenges (from remote work to ideation to conflict resolution to strategy).

Comprising of 4 sessions, 4 modules, 4 interviews and surveys and 15 activities, each program is customised to work directly on issues that impact each team’s collaborative and communicative abilities. We work with managers and their staff to create a set of activities centred around the concepts of applied improvisation, and each session we build on previous activities. This way, we comprehensively cover the needs of the team from all angles

By the end of the program, any team will be able to mold their work culture to be one where fewer staff leave, ideas flow, and where attracting staff is easier.

SKU: STD4 Category:

Organisations are only as effective as their people are, and the grouping of teams is only as effective as each person's ability to communicate and connect with each other. The same goes with their connection to clients, prospects, and suppliers.

Over one month, we help participants put a positive mindset into action, but using key concepts of applied improvisation such as LAB (listening, accepting, building), help make those you work with look and feel good, and that everything we receive is an offer. Our program can bring this positive mindset change within one five minute easy to understand activity.

Our programs are comprised of four modules, and each module builds up on each other. One set takes participants through from understanding your colleagues, team cohesion, positive conflict resolution and finally, collaboration with numerous parties, and beyond.

There is a legal requirement for managers to make sure the physical and mental health of a workplace and its people is safe. A psychologically safe work environment gives a strong foundation for future growth, and increasing the organisation's market share.
